Find your perfect career

Use our Career Matcher to find out which industries and roles align best with your interests.

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Why use the Career Matcher?

It'll steer you in the right direction if you're undecided about your career Image

It'll steer you in the right direction if you're undecided about your career

We all have our own unique set of interests, motivations and preferences in life. Our Career Matcher will instantly match yours to careers that best reflect them and show you your best options.

If there's a career you're already interested in, you'll see if you're a good fit Image

If there's a career you're already interested in, you'll see if you're a good fit

After using the Career Matcher, when you check any career profile, you'll see your own match percentage for that career. You'll know straight away if you're on the right path.

It could open your mind to careers you haven't considered before Image

It could open your mind to careers you haven't considered before

There's a huge range of career options out there. Our Career Matcher will open up a world of possibilities where you may discover a career that's perfect for you but you never thought of.