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16 Year 13s reveal what they wish they'd known at the start of sixth form

Free periods, homework excuses, and the importance of choosing the subjects you want to.

Holly Sawyer
by Holly Sawyer
Last Updated:
06 Sep 2023

Whatuni spoke to a range of Year 13s at sixth form to get the low-down on what they wish they'd known at the beginning of Year 12...

1. Gemma Aitchison

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Use your frees wisely - take time to relax + STUDY!"

2. Mallory Tovey

Mallory Tovey Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Find out more about the subjects available at your sixth form."

3. Pat McMinn

Pat McMinn Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Don't work too hard, but don't leave revision too late. :)"

4. Mel Vijayakumar

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Be organised."

5. Jake Hawker

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Subject knowledge is useless without passion."

6. Amber Day

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "If you think you're working hard you're not!"

7. Chris Shine

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Don't run for head boy!"

8. Cara Looij

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Choose the subjects that YOU would like to do! Don't let others sway your decisions - if you don't enjoy the subject you won't work as hard..."

9. Harit Tagiuri

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "DON'T ignore the advice given by teachers."

10. Hope MacDonald

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "'We were on a break' is not a valid reason for not doing your homework over half term!"

11. Luke Cowley

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Revise your bottom off and try to be consistent in work, don't leave it to the last term."

12. Amy Donnelly

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Always tell your teachers if you're struggling (they know everything) :)"

13. Emma Jacobs

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "More advice for doing EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)"

14. Dan Spalding

Dan Spalding Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "Use your time effectively!!"

15. Georgie Bryant

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "You get accepted based on your predicted grades & your personal statement is 4000 characters!"

16. Holly Sawyer

Sixth Form Advice

Top tip for sixth form: "There's no such thing as a free period!"


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