Having second thoughts about your firm or insurance offer is normal. You can use Clearing to see what other courses you can apply to. You might just find a more suitable course.
Having second thoughts about your course or university choice is perfectly normal. Thousands of uni applicants find themselves in this situation every year. The good news is it's not too late to change your mind - just apply again through Clearing. In fact, Clearing may be the perfect time to rethink your choices. It gives you a chance to discover courses and subjects you might not have even considered before. Ultimately, you want a course and uni you're most happy with, that align best with your future aspirations. Clearing is an opportunity for you to find just that.
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Got better grades than expected? Find a more suitable course through Clearing.
SEE ADVICEDidn't get the grades you wanted? Don't worry. Find your ideal course through Clearing.
SEE ADVICEApplying directly to uni for the first time? Find your perfect course through Clearing.
SEE ADVICEWondering how to support your child through Clearing? Learn how you can help.