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Your 2023 Christmas gift guide

We’ve compiled our annual Christmas gift guide to help you shop on a deadline for presents that are within budget and useful for the people on your list.

Eleanor Foulds
by Eleanor Foulds
Last Updated:
01 Nov 2023

We’re near the home stretch for the holidays and for those that have left Christmas shopping to the very last minute – don’t worry. We've got the ultimate gift guide to help you get the perfect presents for everyone, quickly and easily.

Gifts for Mum and Dad

The trickiest of the bunch to shop for, what don’t mums and dads have? If a gift card to their favourite shop won’t cut it, then focus on their individual interests. Dads take pride in their BBQ skills, so why not buy him some new barbecue tools and accessories or an assortment of hot sauces to test his spice levels?

Mums are always thinking about everyone but themselves, so why not invest in a wellness subscription for her like one of Birchbox’s many collections or an afternoon tea experience for the two of you? 

Experience days are always a nice gift that they’ll remember. There’s so many activities and days out for reasonable prices to choose from, which will give them a much-needed break from their everyday routine.

Gifts for your best friends

Help your friends get 2024 off to a good start with a planner to help them stay organised during their studies.

If they have specific interests like beauty and makeup, why not add to their collection with a mini makeup set? Or you could help them save money over time and contribute to helping the environment with some machine washable makeup cloths?

Lots of people are spending more time socialising at home, so board and card games are a popular choice. Start building your friend’s game collection with one of many board games you can all play when you next hang out. 

If your best friend is more of a car enthusiast, why not get them a new wireless car phone charger so they never run out of battery, especially while navigating. Another tech idea would be a Bluetooth speaker they can hook up their phone to that’s both powerful and stylish.

Gifts for the lifestyle addict

There’s someone in our lives that doesn’t need the new year to turn over a new leaf and start going to the gym. They’ll be working out and going to their fitness classes throughout the holidays, maybe only skipping leg day because it’s Christmas and the gym’s closed.

Even if you know someone that’s just starting out on their fitness journey, show your support by gifting them new workout clothes or equipment you know they’ll use like a yoga mat or a reusable water bottle.

A healthy lifestyle also includes eating well. Support this by gifting a cookbook you know this person will like so they can flex their culinary skills too. 

Gifts for the travel junkie

You can tell this person is going to travel the world once they have the time and funds to do so. Indulge their pastime with a resilient backpack that can carry all their essentials. Passport holders are also a nice way to keep all their important documents together.

A good neck pillow is also a great idea if you know someone who is always off on adventures – or who simply likes to sleep. Not only are they inexpensive, they’re the difference between a relatively good nap and an uncomfortable journey with your head falling forward every time you doze off.

Sometimes, the perfect Christmas gift is a classic

It may not be personalised but you know people love to be warm during the winter. A scarf or cosy jumper will be used repeatedly. Books are also a great idea – is there a celebrity with a new book out you know someone on your list would love? Or do they love getting lost in a good thriller?

Yes, some gifts are seen as generic, but they can usually be the most useful and practical of them all. Happy holidays!

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