Biology BSc (Hons)
University of York
Student rating
This is the overall rating calculated by averaging all live reviews for this uni on Whatuni.
( 4.2)
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Course info
Our Biology course is a flexible and broad-based degree that covers biomedicine, biotechnology, genetics, ecology, and evolutionary biology.This course is ideal if you want an interdisciplinary approach to biology, or wish to specialise at a later stage. You will have a wide range of options to tailor the course to your developing interests.The study of life ranges from the chemistry of single molecules to understanding how populations of different species respond to changes in the environment. ...Read More
Key stats
Uni rankings
WUSCA student ranking
WUSCA student ranking
These are the 2023 rankings, based on ratings given by past and current students.
/ 81
These are the 2023 rankings, based on ratings given by past and current students.
CUG ranking
Complete University Guide Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
CUG subject ranking
Complete University Guide Subject Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
Start date and duration
Start date
Full Time
3 Years
Biology (Non-Specific)
Drop-out rate
Drop-out rate
The percentage of students who didn't finish the course.
Calculated by 100% - (% of students continuing course + % of students completed course)
100 - 93 = 7% Drop-out rate
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
The percentage of students who didn't finish the course.
Calculated by 100% - (% of students continuing course + % of students completed course)
100 - 93 = 7% Drop-out rate Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Employment rate
Employment rate
The percentage of students in full-time work 6 months after finishing their course.
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
The percentage of students in full-time work 6 months after finishing their course.
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Average salary
Average salary
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
These are the sub-topics that you will study as part of this course
IDP Connect
, September 2023
Source: IDP Connect , September 2023
Entry requirements
Entry requirements
The minimum grades (and in some cases the subjects) you'll need to get on to this course.
The minimum grades (and in some cases the subjects) you'll need to get on to this course.
Essential Subjects: Biology or Human Biology and a second Science (or equivalent) are essential. We consider the following subjects as a second Science: Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Further Mathematics, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology or Statistics. Information: Applicants taking Science A Levels that include a practical component will be required to pass.
Previous study
Previous study
The most common A-levels taken by students who end up studying this subject at uni.
Source: HESA, 2018
The most common A-levels taken by students who end up studying this subject at uni.
Source: HESA, 2018
Biology (Non-Specific)
Top 5 A-levels taken by students who study this subject at uni
Tuition fees
For students from
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.
Latest Biology (General) reviews
How Biology (General) students rated:
Student rating
( 4.4) 25 reviews
How all students rated:
Where you'll study
University of York
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