Architectural Engineering BEng (Hons)
Ulster University
Student rating
This is the overall rating calculated by averaging all live reviews for this uni on Whatuni.
( 4.0)
Course info
The award winning BEng/MEng Hons Architectural Engineering has been designed for innovative individuals with an interest how buildings work.The programme aims to meet the increasing demand for skilled graduates with the expertise and knowledge to deliver energy conscious and environmentally sustainable solutions for buildings.Pioneering research shapes our teaching. Throughout the course you will explore a number of themes including energy, building services, engineering principles, ...Read More
Key stats
Uni rankings
CUG ranking
Complete University Guide Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
CUG subject ranking
Complete University Guide Subject Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
Source: Complete University Guide 2024
Start date and duration
Start date
4 Years
Civil Engineering
Drop-out rate
Drop-out rate
The percentage of students who didn't finish the course.
Calculated by 100% - (% of students continuing course + % of students completed course)
100 - 85 = 15% Drop-out rate
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
The percentage of students who didn't finish the course.
Calculated by 100% - (% of students continuing course + % of students completed course)
100 - 85 = 15% Drop-out rate Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Employment rate
Employment rate
The percentage of students in full-time work 6 months after finishing their course.
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
The percentage of students in full-time work 6 months after finishing their course.
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Average salary
Average salary
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
These are the sub-topics that you will study as part of this course
IDP Connect
, October 2023
Source: IDP Connect , October 2023
Entry requirements
Entry requirements
The minimum grades (and in some cases the subjects) you'll need to get on to this course.
The minimum grades (and in some cases the subjects) you'll need to get on to this course.
Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.
GCSE Profile to include grade C in English and Mathematics.If Mathematics at A/AS level is not being offered then Grade B in GCSE Mathematics is required.Please note that for the purposes of entry to this course the Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills Application of Number is NOT regarded as an acceptable alternative to GCSE Maths
Previous study
Previous study
The most common A-levels taken by students who end up studying this subject at uni.
Source: HESA, 2018
The most common A-levels taken by students who end up studying this subject at uni.
Source: HESA, 2018
Civil Engineering
Top 5 A-levels taken by students who study this subject at uni
Uni Info

Ulster University is an exciting, modern university that offers an excellent range of study options for students from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Great Britain and over 70 countries worldwide. It offers a high standard of taught qualifications and is a globally renowned research university. The university has three primary campuses based in Belfast, Coleraine and Derry Londonderry. UU is developing a sports village close to the Belfast campus, and has branch campus locations in London and Birmingham. Students can choose from over 225 undergraduate degrees, alongside a wealth of postgraduate study options and PGCE teaching qualifications. Each course is led by passionate, enthusiastic faculty who are experts in their field, and the resources students use are of professional standard.
Where you'll study
Ulster University
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- Undergraduate
- Foundation degree
- Access & foundation
- Postgraduate